The Stats for Texting While Driving Are Bad, Bad, Bad

Ah texting. Such an innocuous thing, isn’t it? Ever since Texterico Textexterson invented texting back in 1749, we’ve been waiting for the day when messaging became accessible to everyone with thumbs (sorry, dogs and cats!). Honda has a new series of safety messages, however, that show how using a mobile device can increase auto collisions. […]

Starting a Car With an Arcade-Style Coin-Slot Would Be Awesome

A few weeks ago, we stumbled onto one of the cooler modifications we’ve seen in a while. The happy crew of wide-eyed dreamers over at put a quarter slot from an old arcade machine—possibly Galaga? Space Invaders? Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker?—so that by feeding the car a quarter, the engine starts. It still requires the […]

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